Twitter: Are You Killing It Or Is It Killing You?

TwitterEven if you’re actively using Twitter and have amassed a healthy amount of followers, there are lots of reasons why you’d read this article on best practices for Twitter. Here are three of them.

1.      You can always refine your skills, especially given the regular changes to the social network and shifting user trends. Take for example the news that Twitter is starting to phase out “retweet” and replacing it with the phrase “share with others.”

2.      Being active and having lots of followers is different from being successful with Twitter as a business tool.

3.      Twitter can build or destroy your nightclub’s image in minutes.

Following are some best practices for establishing credibility, building and keeping a following, and driving new business through Twitter. Of note, the word retweet is used throughout since it’s not yet gone and heck, it’s great shorthand.

In the spirit of the social network’s 140-character limit, the following recommendations are brief enough to be retweeted.

Creating a Great Twitter Profile

·         Your Twitter bio should be business oriented, answer, “Why should I follow you?” and include a current, clear, professional photo.

·         Your Twitter handle should be short and include your business; i.e. @nightclubname.

·         Your words and images should reflect the atmosphere of your business.

Getting Organized

·         Use free tools like Hootsuite to organize conversations, follows, mentions, re-tweets, etc.

·         Assign one person to answer questions so responses are consistent and streamlined from one account.

·         You don’t need a Twitter feed on your Facebook page. Follow the style and protocol specific to each social network.

Twitter Etiquette

·         Send a personalized thank you to new followers, never an automated reply.

·         Follow fans back.

·         Only 2 in 10 tweets should be promotional. The other 8 are for engaging.

·         Engaging content: fresh, relevant and focused on the receiver’s interests, not the sender’s desire to promote.

·         Always respond quickly to both negative and positive comments.

·         Take negative conversations offline.

·         No typos, ALL CAPS or abuse of exclamation points!!!

·         Limit the use of abbreviations and acronyms.

Using #Hashtags

·         Use #hashtags to mark keywords and more easily follow trending topics.

·         More than 2 #hashtags per tweet is overkill.

Attracting and Keeping Followers

·         Have a strategy. Set a goal for each tweet. Never tweet for the sake of tweeting.

·         How can I miss you if you won’t go away? Don’t tweet more than 5x/day. 

·         Don’t bash the competition.

·         Ask engaging questions like “Did you see Big Papi’s homerun?” as opposed to “Happy Monday! TGIF yet?”

·         Give a shout out to followers when you retweet their great posts.

·         Post your nightclub hashtag in the bar and encourage patrons to use it.

·         Mix it up using images, links to articles, retweets, and special offers.

·         Reward followers with offers such as #HappyHour specials that are only promoted on Twitter.

·         Take notice of Twitter’s recommendations on who to follow. But don’t just follow anybody.

How to Get Retweeted

·         Confirm facts from outside sources before posting or retweeting news.

·         Use <140 characters so followers can insert comments when they retweet your messages.

·         Always shorten links using tools such as bitl.y or

·         Tweet like you talk. Avoid corporate speak or language that’s too loose.

·         Inspire genuine emotions through words and images.

·         Share little known fun facts related to your business, city, or industry.


No matter how long you’ve been using Twitter, you’ve likely just learned a new thing or two. And if you liked these tips, feel free to share with others and cite @ConstantContact as the source.