Everything Operators Need to Know About Vibe

We caught up with Vibe’s Industry Relations Director Andrea Hutchinson, who is responsible for qualifying operators for the conference. We asked her what operators need to know about Vibe, why they should attend, and what criteria they need to meet to qualify for the top on-premise beverage conference.

Read our full Q&A below and then fill out the Operator Qualification Form to get signed up for the 2024 Vibe Conference, which will take place from February 26-28, 2024 at the Town & Country Resort in San Diego.


Andrea Hutchinson Vibe Conference operator qualification
Andrea Hutchinson

Bar & Restaurant News (BRN): What distinguishes the Vibe Conference from other industry events, making it a must-attend for operators?

Andrea Hutchinson (AH): The Vibe Conference is all about uniting on-premise beverage leaders and helping operators to expand their reach and grow their businesses through top-notch networking you won’t find anywhere else.

The Vibe Conference has a specific focus on beverage innovation and delves deep into the latest trends, strategies, and technologies related to beverage programs, making it highly relevant for operators who want to enhance their beverage offerings.

The conference also provides extensive networking opportunities, allowing operators to connect with peers, industry experts, suppliers, and potential partners. Operators can also meet and interact with beverage suppliers and distributors, giving them access to the latest products and solutions that can help improve their beverage programs.

Vibe also hosts a comprehensive educational program that covers a wide range of topics relevant to operators, including mixology, menu development, marketing, sustainability, and customer experience enhancement. Operators can also gain valuable market insights and data-driven information about consumer preferences, industry trends, and emerging opportunities, helping them make informed decisions.


BRN: Can you provide an overview of the application process and eligibility criteria for operators interested in attending the VIBE Conference?

AH: Each operator is required to fill out an application as part of the qualification process. Applications are open until February 9.

Ideally, we accept senior level operators who own or operate in excess of 30 units with a minimum of 20% alcohol sales. Operator primary business concepts range from casual chains and casinos to multi concepts and hotel chains.


BRN: What educational and networking opportunities can operators expect to find at the VIBE Conference?

AH: Operators will have access to our keynote, workshops, general sessions, and networking events. This year, our conference program will include workshops and seminars on creating RFPs, menu development, cultivating the guest experience, global cocktail trends, and more.

Also, the 2024 conference marks the return of Mike Ginley’s popular Vibe Consumer Trend Study, which will be packed with actionable insights and trends covering beer, wine, and spirit cocktails.

As for networking, we’ll have our nightly networking receptions, Vibe After Hours late-night events, and an ice breaker reception for first-time attendees of the conference—all of which have been very well attended throughout the years.

Bar & Restaurant Expo

Can you share some success stories from operators who have previously attended the Vibe Conference?

AH: Sure! Here is what some past operators had to say about the 2023 Vibe Conference:

“Always one of the most insightful valuable conferences in our industry.”

“Your event was buttoned up from A-Z. It was exactly what I was expecting. It was my first time, so I tried to set realistic expectations, and they were exceeded!”

“Vibe was full of energy and great educational sessions. Opportunities to experience beverage products, to gain insights on data, and hear from speakers to inspire this audience.”


Interested in attending Vibe? Fill out the Operator Qualification Form today!


Plan to Attend or Participate in the 2024 Vibe Conference, February 26 – February 28, 2024

To learn more about the latest trends, issues and hot topics, and to experience and taste the best products within the on-premise beverage community, plan to attend the Vibe Conference at Town & Country in San Diego, California. Visit VibeConference.com.

Contact us now to secure your program for 2024:

Donna Bruns, Sales & Sponsorships, (for companies A-L), Email: [email protected] Phone: 936-522-6932

Fadi Alsayegh, Sales & Sponsorships, (for companies M-Z), Email: [email protected] Phone: 440-454-0239

Connect and follow Questex’s Vibe Conference and community at Facebook and LinkedIn.