Recommended Reading: Get a grip on Social Media

Well, hello there! Nice to see that you’ve made it to #HumpDay. You’re probably getting ready for a busy weekend, particularly if you operate in an area where Easter and Passover slowed down your regular traffic. If you’re a clever operator your social media strategy is an important part of preparing for your weekend rush.

We want you to succeed, and for the vast majority of bar and nightlife operations that means having your finger on the pulse of your social media channels. Below you’ll find 4 articles that will help you get closer to reaching the level of social media all-star. Really nail it and you may even attain the coveted status of influencer!

Recommended Reading

Organic Marketing: Making Facebook Livestream work for your Bar

As you’ll learn after reading this article, Facebook Livestream is marketing resource you need in your arsenal. Find out how The Skylark in New York City used Facebook Livestream to great success, and how you can benefit from this service.


Spring Cleaning Your Social Media

Your bar, nightclub or restaurant isn’t the only thing that needs cleaning this spring. From revisiting your profile pictures to checking your Yelp reviews, this guide will help you get your business for spring and the rest of the year.


Stay Ahead of Social Media Trends to Reach Tech-Savvy Millennials

Do you know what the term “content marketing” means and how it relates to your brand’s social media presence? Read this post and you’ll get a better understanding of your social media channels as the powerful marketing tools they are. You’ll also be poised to develop an effective content strategy and reach the largest generation in America: the Millennials.


The Comprehensive Guide to Making Social Media Your B*tch

Do you like how-to guides? Do you like those how-to guides to be comprehensive? Then wow, do we have the guide for you! If you’re looking for the hard numbers behind Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and truly actionable information about using those platforms effectively, look no further.


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