Immersive Technology: The New Trend in Nightlife

Tammuz Dubnov, founder and CEO of Zuzor, will discuss the following and more during his 2018 Nightclub & Bar Show presentation “Nightlife, Movement, Technology, and Everything in Between.”

The days of the jukebox have come and gone. For a brief period in American history, youthful socialites and music enthusiasts gathered at the ice cream parlor to enjoy a banana split over the tunes of the Beach Boys. Years later, musical gatherings took a new direction: Disco. Characterized by flared bell bottoms and glittery satin, disco truly reinvented the nightlife standard. As we edged closer to the end of the century, the celebration extended to the television, where viewers could turn to MTV for the latest in trending and decadent venues.

We’ve come a long way from our humble beginnings, and the change has never stopped, only evolved.

We have a natural tendency to see these eras as static, so we’re quick to link the jukebox to the ‘50s, disco to the ‘70s, and MTV to the ‘90s. Rarely, however, do we consider our own unique imprint on musical history. No one can deny the influence developing technology has had in modernizing our society, and nightlife is no exception.

The industry has made a drive toward elegance over the past two decades, and for the most part, they’ve made progress. The size and frequency of bars, pubs and nightclubs has grown tremendously, particularly in coastal regions populated by young adults. When we consider population growth, however, none of this comes as a surprise. As of 2018, the largest age group isn’t the famed Baby Boomers, nor is it the most recently born Generation Z—it’s Millennials between the ages of 20 and 30.

The behavior of the nightlife Millennial has been noted. Their tendency to maximize their attendance at bars and nightclubs has popularized a relatively new term: the barhopper. In an industry where the ‘hoppers come and go as they please, managers strive to create an atmosphere of overwhelming stimuli. In addition to increasing venue size, most prominent clubs incorporate colossal LED screens into their venues. The word “screen” is an injustice to their size, and perhaps a better descriptor would be to refer to them as walls. In most cases, these “graphic walls” are paired with equally impressive audio systems. The caveat with these attractions is that they rarely work in unison, meaning that these walls and audio systems act independent of each other and independent of the nightlife attendees. Surface reality can alleviate this inconsistency.

In case the term “surface reality” seems foreign, let me clarify its definition. Surface reality blends movement with immersive technology to form an environment where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time. Much in the way that virtual reality replaces, surface reality enhances. Its most noticeable feature is its adaptability to any surface, which makes it an ideal complement to the LED walls.

So, what does surface reality look like in the nightlife environment? Sensors locate and monitor an individual or group and project their movements onto the walls. Their dancing and gestures are then exaggerated by an array of customizable graphics. Functionally, it makes the LED walls entirely interactive by “cartooning” those who wish to participate.

The simplicity of location-focusing is one of the most outspoken benefits of immersive technology. The system isn’t limited to just interacting with an audience member—it can be quickly arranged to focus on the DJ or the audience as a whole. An opener may prefer to engage the audience by focusing on the dancers of the crowd, while a more prominent headliner may choose to cast his own movements onto the LED wall. Immersive technology is designed to cater to these user preferences.

As standard with any technical trend, it always takes time for new technology to propagate through the societal ranks before mass adoption. We can only guess at the luxuries of Tomorrowland’s nightlife, but it’s a safe bet immersive technology will be an integral feature.

You’ll have the opportunity to learn more about new, cutting-edge technologies and how they’re raising the standard of hospitality worldwide at the 2018 Nightclub & Bar Show. Presenter Tammuz Dubnov will explore technological intersections between multimedia content and movement, and how they are needed to offer the best guest experience to drive your venue towards virality and increase the experience-driven association for your guests. You’ll also learn about the shift in nightlife as a new trend of immersive interactions takes hold and how it keeps your guests stimulated during the presentation entitled “Nightlife, Movement, Technology, and Everything in Between.” Register now!