
RobotLAB Makes Restaurant Robots a Practical Reality

RobotLAB, an innovative company that serves as the essential bridge between robot manufacturers and robot users, is changing the face of hospitality with its line of restaurant robots. These cost-saving, efficiency-boosting solutions simultaneously work to help restaurants increase their bottom line, delight guests, and allow restaurant staff members to perform their jobs with more precision and attention to detail.

The company’s various models of restaurant robots are able to assist with restaurants’ most essential tasks. With robots designed specifically to run food and drinks, bus tables, and guide guests to their seats, they’re able to fill the gaps caused by staffing shortages while also decreasing wait times, minimizing spillage, and preventing employees from experiencing physical and mental burnout.

Restaurant owners are well aware of how difficult it can be to find staff amid today’s seemingly never-ending labor shortage. They also know how important it is to keep the staff members they do have happy — and to ensure they’re earning a comfortable salary.

There’s a common misconception that robotic solutions are at odds with benefiting human employees, when in fact, the opposite is true. Adding robots to the team allows front-of-house employees to focus on engaging guests, stop mistakes before they happen, and direct their energy toward tasks that matter, rather than on the grunt work involved in running food or cleaning tables.

Plus, robots don’t need to be tipped out, which means staff members are able to take home a bigger piece of the pie. Both owners and employees never have to worry about restaurant robots calling out, running late, or having an “off” day. They’re there to work — and work hard — every single shift.

RobotLAB’s restaurant robots aren’t self-sufficient, stand-alone solutions, but rather useful tools that can be used in conjunction with trained staff and alongside existing technology platforms like POS systems. They act as a valuable extra set of hands that don’t drop things, get tired, or become flustered by the stress of a busy service.

With the ability to dramatically increase restaurants’ speed of service and to prevent staff members from walking (literally) miles going back and forth from the kitchen to the dining room, restaurant robots can be the difference between a restaurant that just gets by and a restaurant that runs like a well-oiled machine.

That said, the various models supported by RobotLAB are so much more than just machines. Each robot is highly customizable, so it can be programmed to take on its own unique personality. This means they act as built-in, world-class brand ambassadors throughout the entirety of a guest’s dining experience. Guests quickly learn how to interact with the robots and find joy in seeing what they bring to the table. They’re appreciative of not only the speedy and efficient service they provide, but also the ways in which robots allow them to enjoy their meals at their own pace, with fewer interruptions.

RobotLAB makes adding robotic staff members to the team incredibly easy. The robots can be up and running in as little as 45 minutes — and restaurant owners usually begin to see a return on their investment in robotic solutions almost immediately. When you think about how much money is lost every time a runner loses a tray, or a bartender has to re-make a round of drinks because it died sitting on the service bar, or a host mismanages the waitlist, the benefits of turning to robots to solve age-old restaurant issues becomes abundantly clear.

Based in California and Texas, the company isn’t new to providing businesses with the support they need to integrate robotic solutions into their day-to-day operations. RobotLAB has successfully managed the deployment of over 7,500 commercial robots across the country, and it’s continuing to explore new ways to help businesses thrive. The hospitality industry is increasingly embracing the possibilities of robotic solutions, and RobotLAB helps make the transition into a more technologically advanced future seamless.

The editorial staff had no role in this post's creation.