Mental Health Prompts for Your Sober Journey, pt. III

Licensed counselor Laura Louise Green, Med, LPC, has developed a weekly series of prompts for people who are re-assessing their relationship with alcohol. The following has been edited and republished with permission. It is part three of a four-part series (read parts one and two). To learn more, visit

Now that you’re in the third week, you’re likely seeing some substantial changes in your life, mood, schedule and even relationships. This is when it’s important to be really honest with yourself.

These prompts are meant to help you process and navigate those experiences. I’ll be real with you: these are a bit more challenging and might be uncomfortable, but that’s kind of the point, right? These questions start get to the heart of when our relationship with alcohol becomes integrated into everything we do. Take your time with these and be kind to yourself.

No matter how hard you stick to it, it is helpful to process what you’re experiencing. Even if it’s a struggle to keep on plan, process it anyway. And if you find that you need help and support, please call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Helpline: 1 (800) 622 HELP.

If this is your first week of sober living, check out these prompts that are geared to where you are in your journey, or watch this Instagram Live discussion on recognizing and addressing the signs of substance abuse.

Thought Prompts for Changing Your Relationship to Alcohol

  • How has drinking alcohol been associated with my work? Is there a relationship there? Has it been helpful? Harmful?
  • What relationship does drinking alcohol have with my identity? What would happen to my identity if I removed alcohol? What needs exploring here?
  • Are there relationships in my life that are reliant on drinking alcohol? What have they been like? How does it feel to think about that?
  • When reflecting on how I feel now, compared to how I’ve felt when drinking alcohol, what emotions come up for me?
  • How has my relationship with myself changed in these few weeks? Am I being compassionate with myself? What is it like to think about that?
  • What aspects of my life are improved since removing alcohol? What parts are more challenging?
  • Do I miss drinking alcohol? What do I miss about it? What does that feel like?

Laura Louise Green, MEd, LPC is a licensed professional counselor and organizational consultant from Chicago, IL. After working in the hospitality industry for nearly 20 years, she utilizes her knowledge and skills as a trained and licensed mental health professional to facilitate training, growth, and healing within the hospitality sector. She is the founder of Healthy Pour, a consultancy seeking to improve the mental health and well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations within the hospitality and hospitality-adjacent industries through thoughtful education, coaching, future-building, intervention development, conflict resolution, and research. Find more information here.

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