Meet the #NCB2021 Chefs: Russ Zito

Chef Russ Zito is coming to #NCB2021 this year, working behind the pass at the Food & Beverage Innovation Center (FBIC). Chef Russ has years of valuable experience as a faculty member at Johnson & Wales University, and as a consulting research chef for Chef Cervices Group, Inc. He also runs his own consultancy and operations at Z Culinary Services, LLC.

These days, he’s an active volunteers, donating his time and skills as an Assistant Scoutmaster and Merit Badge Counselor with the Scouts BSA Troop, 1 Arnold Mills. Zito is also a key team member of the Franklin Farm Community Garden, an all-volunteer, community garden that grows near 20 tons of farm fresh, organic produce annually, for donation to the Rhode Island Community Food Bank.

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Chef Zito’s experience in institutional, restaurant, private club, and hotel kitchen environments, balanced with his business management skills make him an invaluable asset to his employers and his clients. His 20 plus years of service in manufacturing, plant production, retail, and restaurant menu development have provided clients with an innovative approach to each specific project.

He's also a key member of the FBIC chef team, working alongside his friends Chef Brian Duffy, Chef Kevin Des Chenes, Chef Monti Carlo, Chef Pete “Panini Pete” Blohme, Chef Kayla Robison, Chef Jennifer Behm-Lazzarni, Chef Chad Rosenthal, and Chef Matt Varga, and working closely with a volunteer team of young culinary students.

What’s your favorite part about FBIC?

Seeing and working with the team, face-to-face with old friends. We talk almost daily throughout the year on our infamous "text group" but are rarely able to get together. I’m also excited about working with our students and seeing the whole program come together with people you've never worked with before. We’re helping to create some of their first industry experiences.

If the other chefs had to describe you in three words, what would they be?

Hardworking, Organized (I hope!?), Team-Player

What’s your “role” in the group. Are you the jokester, the parent, the partier, the nerd, etc…?

Yes, yes, and yes! Actually, I think I'm more like Leo (Joe Pesci's character) from Lethal Weapon. What the team needs, Zito gets. I guess I'm good at "acquiring" things.

RELATED: Chef Brian Duffy on Misfit Chefs, Las Vegas and #NCB2021

Do you guys have any secret competitions going on against each other back there?

I don't know of any in particular, but I bet you every one of us thinks there is one going on. It's in a chef's nature. From my perspective so far, "the one with the most ingredients and prep items wins", is the unwritten, unknown competition.

Favorite (PG-rated) FBIC memory?

All "G" Rated, I swear! Year one, definitely! If you were there, it looked a lot like eight kids at Christmas. Everything was brand new and still in the boxes. There was wrapping paper, packing tape, cardboard, Styrofoam bits, and plastic wrap flying everywhere. It was a sight to see for sure! Of course, riding the coaster at NYNY with Samantha P and Christine Hazel was a great time too. I wasn't going to do it, but they bullied me into it. I got up there and got in the car and they couldn't lock the bar down (I was a little too big). They made me get out and go to the back seat where I fit a little better. I had the best seat/view on the coaster. Maybe I'll ride the front car this year.

What’s one thing you want people to learn when they visit the FBIC?

That no matter what their facilities, budget, or clientele are, if they work with a respectable, trained professional (like the ones on this team), there are no limitations on the things that can be done. A chef, F&B, manager, or mixologist with the right training, experience, and team is flexible and resourceful enough to make the most from any situation they are handed. Just don't go asking them for miracles unless you are prepared to witness a few.

What are you most looking forward to at the Nightclub & Bar Show this year?

Yes, it'll be a different this year for sure, but we've got a great team coming out (sad to be missing Nick Liberato!) and grinding in the kitchen and working with the students and the team is what I think we all enjoy the most. My dad will be joining me in Vegas this year too. That will be fun for sure...

You can find Chef Russ Zito at the Food & Beverage Innovation Tuesday June 29 – Wednesday June 30 during Nightclub & Bar Show 2021. Catch his live cooking demonstration on Wednesday from 4:15pm – 4:45pm.

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