Keep Sober Employees Accountable with a Sobriety Form

Steve Palmer, co-founder of Ben's Friends, a support group for those in F&B struggling with substance abuse and addiction, uses a sobriety policy to keep his sober team members accountable. 

"We have a sobriety policy. When somebody comes to us and says, “Look, I know I have a problem and I want to get better,” We set up a mutual agreement and set up the parameters," he explains in this Instagram Live.

"In early sobriety, accountability is everything. A sobriety policy doesn’t mean we’re giving you another chance without any structure."

Ben's Friends joined us for Bar & Restaurant Expo 2022 in Las Vegas, and found a lot of people were curious about this policy. 

They've agreed to share a template with us, in hopes that it helps you support your sober employees better: 


Employee Name:

Restaurant Name: 

I _____, understand to keep my employment in good standing at _____, I must maintain my attendance at a weekly Alcohol Anonymous meeting, Ben's Friends, etc...

I give permission to my manager to check in with my sponsor and ensure i am taking responsibility of my goal to remain sober. 

If i fail to stay sober and demonstrate instability at work, or come to work under the influence, I understand I will be terminated. 

_______ (employee name), please bring a copy of this form to your weekly meeting and have your sponsor sign off of the date you attend. Please return this form on a weekly basis to your Executive Chef. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact ________."

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